ExploreSG is a mobile app that provides users with comprehensive and real-time information about the various trails and events happening across all green spaces in Singapore.
About The Project: This was a challenge completed as part of my General Assembly User Experience Design Immersive coursework with 3 other team members. Our team completed this project over the course of 2 weeks.
My Role: UX Designer involved in the entire research process, ideation and testing phases, as well as project management
Tools: Figma, Zoom, Google Drive
*This is a conceptual case study
The Problem
In 2019, the National Parks Board (NParks) launched the Coast-to-Coast (C2C) Trail mobile application to complement its physical C2C Trail.
However, since its launch, the app has received unfavourable public reception.
The Challenge
The app was launched in 2019 but with its lack of offerings and poor usability, people were unable to use it to complement their walks along the C2C trail.
Therefore, it is imperative for NPark to redesign the app to increase its usability.
Thus the team set out to redesign the app to improve its offerings for users so that users are more inclined to engage in NParks’ green spaces.
Conducting Research
To understand the problem space, we conducted research on the C2C Trail app, the organization and through user interviews.
What We Learned
C2C Trail App
Based on app reviews found on Google Play and App Store, our team identified problems with the app:
The limited scope of the app was not useful nor helpful for users.
The directions on the app’s map are insufficient.
The app often could not even function well and kept crashing.
Users did not want to sign in just to use the map.
From our independent research on NPark’s website, we realised the following about the organization:
NParks’ goal is “to promote 'green' recreation as a lifestyle”.
NParks’ green spaces actually comprise of all the Parks, Nature Reserves, Islandwide Routes and Park Connectors in Singapore. The C2C trail is just one of the many islandwide routes.
NParks also provides an array of offerings at their green spaces such as events and activities, educational content about biodiversity, and gardening tips.
Project Scope
With the current research findings, our team identified an opportunity to expand the revamp app’s scope whilst still being in align with NParks' goal:
User Interviews Insights
As the scope of the redesigned app now encompasses more than just the C2C Trail, we conducted in-depth user interviews with 10 individuals who have been to any one of NParks’ green spaces before.
Using the Affinity Mapping technique to synthesize our research findings, we found the following insights:
Creation of Personas
Using the insights gathered from our User Interviews, we developed 2 personas to guide our decision when creating our solutions:
Defining the Problem
The team came together to distil our research insights into two HMW statements to frame the development of solutions:
To kick start the ideation phase, the team did a sketching exercise. Afterwhich, we came together to discuss how we could incorporate everyone’s ideas together.
Feedback was provided and gathered to refine and combine the sketches into a single solution, the wireframes.
The Solution
Our team came up with the final product called ExploreSG, a one-stop platform that provides users with comprehensive and real-time information about the various trails and events happening across various green spaces in Singapore through 2 main functions:
Searching for a particular green space has been made easy
Information of green spaces can be found in one location
Recommended trails and events based on location, popularity and user’s interest
Bookmark feature
Sharing feature
An interactive navigational map for easy wayfinding
Recommended trails and nearby amenities based on current location
Recommended landmarks along the trail, with the option to be notified of educational content
Ability to track distance and time taken to complete the trail
No sign-in is required to access the map
Usability Test Findings
Our biggest insight from conducting usability testing with 10 users on the prototype was that:
Users were unaware that some icons were clickable and contained more information.
To address this problem, we came up with 2 solutions:
Reorganise the Information Page
Important details should be easily visible across the screen rather than being kept within an icon.
Create Onboarding Instructions
First-time users will be able to get a quick tutorial through 3 onboarding prompts.
Reflections and Learnings
Importance of Collaboration
As it was everyone’s first time working with one another, it took the team some time to adjust and adapt to one another’s style. Eventually, with time, we managed to resolve roadblocks better and ultimately saw the value in working together as a team, and the importance of collaboration.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and leveraging on one another strengths helps make problem-solving easier, improves efficiency and elevates the team as a whole.
Working collaboratively with others who bring different skill sets, new perspectives and fresh ideas, is also a great learning opportunity.
For this project, my biggest takeaway was learning various Figma tricks from my peers and understanding their thought process when it came to developing visual elements for the high-fidelity prototype.